Vitamin K prophylaxis

What is vitamin K?
It is a fat soluble vitamin.
How does the body get vitamin K?

Many foods contain vitamin K especially vegetables but by far most of the vitamin needed by the body is produced by benign bacteria in the gut. Many bacteria are living in our gut which is important for the body and the immune system.

What Kind of foods contain vitamin K?
Leafy vegetables, cauliflower, borecole, beans and eggs contain most vitamin K per 100 mg.
Why is vitamin K important for newborns?
The gut of newborns is sterile and bacteria will start inhibiting it during the first months of life. Vitamin K is needed for the production of coagulation factors in the blood. Deficiency leads to increased risk of bleeding with injuries.
What is the recommendation for intake?
Vitamin K is given in two doses with the first one at U1 (after birth) and the second at U2 (3. – 10. day of life)

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